Are you seeking funding?

The Memorial Trust supports organisations in England and Scotland that:

  1. Make a difference to the lives of children and young people.
    These grants focus on small projects where a relatively modest sum can make a significant difference. We prefer to support specific projects and, where possible, visit organisations as part of our due diligence

  2. Research areas of medicine, particularly cancer and Parkinson’s disease, or provide support for patients during diagnosis and treatment.
    These are usually made to larger organisations and have included University College London Hospital (UCLH) Radiotherapy Fund, Macmillan Cancer Support Scotland, Ataxia UK and the Functional Neurotherapy Fund at Southmead Hospital, Bristol.

If you or your organisation meets these criteria, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch using the form below, or via the contact details on the Charity Commission website

Opportunity to support aspiring school
or university students

Eloise was a qualified civil engineer and keen traveller and in 2006 the Memorial Trust established and funded an annual Eloise Plunkett Travel Award administered by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).

This closed in 2023 and the Trustees are currently looking at ways to encourage careers in civil engineering - possibly by providing support for aspiring school or university students.

Let’s work together…

See our previous projects…